Sacuam’s PaleProject
Saucam brought under its umbrella, in the year 2017 a small village by the name ‘Pale’ near Dahanu.which is located around 125 kms from Mumbai. Pale is a cluster of 11 extremely poor Adivasi Tribal hamlets, which have not witnessed any notable development for several decades.
For ‘Pale’, we strategised a more integrated approach as the extent of poverty called for more inclusive initiatives. The primary focus continues to be children,specially the girl child with the collateral objective of simultaneously addressing some of the basic requirements of the village at large.
Our involvement in Pale, like any other project of Saucam, is a long-term association with the community to ensure that the initiatives are sustained and the villagers become a part of the entire process. Our endeavor is to make the villagers the main stakeholders and participants in our efforts to achieve the turnaround that they have been aspiring for.
Needless to say, the above projects have seen such phenomenal success only due to the support of our well-wishers and Donors, who have stood by us at every stage and ensured that the projects don’t get stalled for lack of funds. We at Saucam strongly believe that weare making a difference to the future of our children in the villages that become a part of Saucam Family and are successfully empowering them to dream like any other child in this country. The impact of our efforts will go a long way in elevating the life of these villagers at large and this will further propel us to scale up our efforts to reach more villages simultaneously.
Way Forward
The success of our efforts in every village feeds on the motivation to scale up our model and take up more villages. As the saying goes ‘Miles to go before we sleep”. We will continue to hand-hold Gursale & Pale villages and going forward our model will involve continuous engagement with all the communities and villages that become part of Saucam family. While our broader plan is to replicate our current model in other villages that we adopt, we will tweak the model for any village specific changes that may be required.
Our investment will be of two-fold
- Continuous engagement with the Villages where the initial spade work has already been done. This will involve routine operating expenses coupled with incremental changes to add value to the community at large
- Adopting more villages and replicating the model – In the initial phase of execution in any village, there will be high capital expenditure by way of infrastructure improvement, constructing toilet blocks, providing water tanks, providing water piping from the source point, providing E-Learning Hardware and Software etc. This phase is followed by the operating expenses in the subsequent years as captured in a) above.
We invite you to be part of this wonderful journey and welcome you with the following quote from Gautama Buddha: –
Thousands of candles can be litfrom a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.